Every year in Australia, more than 6000 pet dogs and cats are bitten by snakes. Whether the pet is actively hunting the snake and provoking the bite or has accidentally surprised the snake and been bitten, these accidents are difficult to avoid and the consequences of pets being bitten by snakes can to often be fatal.

The most common snake around this area that is dangerous for pet cats and dogs is the red belly black snake. Red belly black snakes are widespread on the coast and eastern regions of Australia.

Red belly black snakes like wet environments like swamp or marsh and their natural diet is frogs and tadpoles. They will come into suburban back yards looking for water.

The adult red belly black snake and the juvenile have toxic venom.

There area a variety of different toxins in the venom causing a range of signs in affected animals. Sometimes the animals is immediately affected and will become wobbly, weak, shaky, salivate, froth at the mouth or drool, may vomit, have a fit or just collapse. Other times the poison may not affect the animal for a day or two, but can then make the blood not clot properly, causing bleeding and they become weak from anaemia or from damage to internal organs. It can be difficult to see an obvious bite mark and often you may not know whether or not your pet has been bitten and you may not know why your pet is unwell if you haven’t seen a snake around.

If you suspect your pet has been bitten or if you know it has been bitten, you should seek immediate veterinary attention. Antivenom is available which is used along with supportive treatment to save many pets’ lives each year.

Survival will depend on how much venom was in the bite. Snakes store venom and use it up when they bite an enemy, so at different times they release different amounts.
Survival will also depend on how quickly to animal is treated after the bite.

The advice from the local snake expert is to keep you back yard clear of snake hiding places and wet areas that snakes will be attracted to. Try to get rid of any rats or mice around the house; snakes are attracted to rodents as a food source. Keep your lawns low and garden beds tidy and don’t leave piles of lawn clippings in the yard. Snakes like the warmth and will hide under these.